Christmas Fun

It's that time of the year for Christmas programs!  Last year, we attended our first one.  Grace was in a Christmas program with Independence  Christian School where she attended daycare.  It was so cute and I was so emotional!
This is her second program.  It was not as intricate as last years. This year she attends Rainbow Preschool.  They sang a couple of songs, were read a book and then Santa made an appearance.  Grace loved it!  And of course, I was emotional!
In the morning, Grace stated that we had to get ready for school because Santa was going to be very sad if she wasn't there.  Ahh, the mind of a three year old.
Santa brought gifts for the kids.  He called them up one by one and handed them the gifts.  This is Grace's first picture with Santa. 
Ms. Walker and Mrs. Price, Grace's preschool teachers
Grace loves preschool and she has been learning a lot!  I am very grateful for these ladies who teach my child and who love on her so much!


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