Today, Jonas and I celebrate our five year anniversary! I am married to an amazing man who absolutely loves the Lord, myself and our little Grace. I can't imagine my life without him! God really blessed me when He brought Jonas into my life.

Jonas and I met online! Yes! Modern romance. Jonas was living in Monroeville, Alabama (out in the sticks!) and I was living Pasadena, CA. We started talking to each other online in May of 2005, met in person in Nashville that August, and engaged in October and married in April of 2006. It was a fast engagement, but we knew the Lord had His hands all over it. We were what each other had prayed for. And now five years later, our marriage has gotten better and better! It's amazing to think that you can just keep loving someone more and more as time passes. I love Jonas more today than I did the day I said, "I do."
And to share a bit of scrapbooking, here a few of the layouts I created documenting Jonas and my relationship.
This was one of the first layouts I created. I had never scrapbooked until I decided to put together a wedding album. And I was hooked! You can tell that this layout was basic. I didn't have a paper cutter or any sort of real scrapbooking tools. I though about re-doing this album, but decided against it. I love it just the way it is.
I actually used paper that I bought in the dollar section at Target! Love it when I get a great deal on scrapbooking supplies!
This layout commemorates our engagement pictures compliments of my friend Summer's stepfather and it is also the first layout of the album I put together documenting our engagement. It was an impromptu photo session while we were in Nashville for our first Thanksgiving together. I love this picture of Jonas and I.
And now for a little bit of Grace! We have now added 18 months clothes to her wardrobe! Some of it is still big on her, but some of it fits! Oh boy! She is a big girl! And she keeps growing right before our eyes. She is so tall. She is also cutting teeth like crazy. Last week she was working on her front two teeth and all of the sudden we notice that not only has she cut those two, but also three more on top and two more on the bottom (she already has the front two bottom teeth). Poor baby! I suppose that's why she keeps waking up in the middle of the night. Can't imagine it's too pleasant cutting teeth.
I took her to get pictures taken with a bunny (we don't call it "Easter Bunny," because a bunny has nothing to do with Easter. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus). She smiled a bit for us before she started crying. I dressed her up in the dress we bought her for Easter. She looked so cute! It's turing out to be a great month.
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