Happy Monday! Did any of you miss changing your clocks this weekend? We almost missed it! Thanks for a friend on Facebook who posted a comment about it on her wall, I changed our clocks right before going to bed Saturday night. We made it on time to church, but noticed the parking lot looked a bit on the empty side! This morning, I made a mad dash to Starbucks. I was tired!! I think it will take Grace a couple of days to adjust to the time change. She went to bed close to 9pm last night. Her normal bed time is about 7:30pm.
Speaking of Grace, I have finished her first scrapbook album! It was meant to cover her first year, but it ended up covering birth to three months...with 6 added pages! That's a total of 32 layouts!! I'll try to take some pictures of layouts soon to share, but for now, here's a picture of the album. THICK!!

Grace loves her jumper. And she loves jumping. Not sure why the video came out sideways, and I wasn't sure how to rotate the image. I took this video with my cell phone. Next time I guess I need to rotate my cell phone.
I am consistently amazed at God's amazing provision for my family. I have the tendency to stress about finances and within the last two months, God has provided twice in situations where I wasn't sure how we were going to pay a bill or have enough saved up to get us through summer. Both times, God provided more than what we needed...try three times as much as needed! I am so glad God provides despite my worry. What is worry? Lack of faith. Thank you Lord, and forgive my unbelief.
Praying you have an amazing week!
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