I love Easter! It will be Resurrection Sunday tomorrow. I love celebrating the most awesome event in the history of the world...Jesus' resurrection and the core of my beliefs. He died so that I may be free of my sin, defeated death, and rose again that I may have everlasting life! How awesome is that?!?! I can't wait till Grace is older and we can start teaching her about Easter.
Plans for Easter? Church Sunday morning and then heading to my sister's house for some good old fashion Carne Asada. A few other family members will be joining us. I have so many fond memories of family gatherings on Easter Sunday. I hope Grace will have those memories too.
By the way, today is Grace's 9 month birthday! 9 months!! She's getting big way too fast. Just a reminder to enjoy her as she is now. Last night, Jonas commented to me, "This is the smallest Grace will ever be." Yes! Because she will just keep growing. He has made that comment a couple times before and it always hits me hard. Grace is now crawling, walking when we hold her hands, and "cruising" from the couch to the ottoman. Yikes!
Grace loves playing with daddy. He can make her laugh so hard. They have such a precious bond and I love watching them interact with each other. It warms my heart.
Life has been incredibly busy. It's the end of the school year and we are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. My mantra..."summer vacation is almost here..." Six more weeks! Plans for the summer? Rest, hang out with Grace and get a bit of scrapbooking in. Speaking of scrapbooking? I have created a Grad Nite chipboard album.

It's for sale for $45. If you're interested, let me know. I can create one for you in about a week's time. The colors of the front cover can be customized to your student's school colors. It's also pretty big...12 inches tall and 11 1/2 inches wide. The one in the picture is going to my niece, Jackie.
Time to go hang out with Grace. Hope you have an awesome weekend!
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