Wow! I'm back into the full swing of work and it has been crazy! If for not Grace and Jonas, I would be a huge, massive stress ball! It's the 2nd week of school and I'm not sure if pregnancy hormones are to blame (I'm sure they have some part in my inability to cope), but the whole start of school, schedule changes, and appointments galore are driving me crazy! So time to take a serious chill pill and believe it or not, scrapbooking is helping me cope. Even though I have been tired at home, I have been crafting. I've done some scrapbooking and am in the middle of two projects. One for Grace's room and the other for our soon to join us baby boy. Can't wait to share!
In the meantime, I'll share a few pictures of our little sweetheart.
Here she is getting her 2nd haircut by her favorite hair stylist...daddy!

And the finished product! Tada! Daddy sure did a good job. Grace doesn't leave hair ties or bows in her hair for very long so we're forced to give her bangs so we can keep her hair out of her eyes. This haircut makes us a bit sad because it makes her look more and more like a toddler than our sweet baby girl.
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