Grace is officially 2 months old today...and will be 9 weeks old tomorrow. Weird how that works out! Happy 2 month Birthday Grace!!!

She is growing so much! Her vocabulary of cooing is growing tremendously. And she is quite the explorer. She loves sitting on our laps looking out and when we carry her around, she moves her head back and forth to look at her surroundings. This past Sunday, she held up her head for the first time. Jonas took out the camera and the video camera too to capture the moment.

He took a while to get to the this time, her head was starting to slouch a little. But isn't she so cute?!
I created this little number for Grace's room...

It's a dress that I cut out with my Cricut using the Princess cartridge and then attached a plastic hanger and ribbons to it. As you can see, I made it to hold/display her hair clips. I'm a visual person and I forget what we have if it's just sitting in a pile in a drawer. This way I can see what she has and they are more accessible (it's hanging next to her changing station) when I'm dressing her. I got this idea from The owner, Kristin, attends the same church we do. She makes really cute items like hair clips, headbands, bibs, burpclothes, onesies and she made this car seat canopy for us...

Isn't it the best thing ever! When I saw it, I knew we had to have one. I had never seen anything like it and it works like a dream. Now I can protect Grace from the sun, carry the car seat without having to worry about a loose blanket falling off, and give her a dark place to sleep when we are out and about. Check out
Hope you are having a great week!
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