We took Grace to her three week follow up Dr. appointment this past week and she is now at 8lb 90z! That's over a pound in growth since she was born. And she is now at 21.6 inches...also over an inch in growth! She's growing! It makes us realize that we need to enjoy every moment with her because she is changing right before our eyes!
Grace is every bit her daddy's girl! Jonas loves her and has such a special way with her. And she seems very alert to his voice, face, and presence. It is so neat to see them interact with each other. She has started to smile at him when he coos at her.
It's really amazing just how much we love Grace. It's a love that I have never felt before for anyone...a mother's love. It makes me understand just a bit more of how much God loves us in so many ways. Love is an amazing thing and has so many facets. God made us in his image and fashioned us perfectly in the womb according to his perfect plan. Grace is exactly as God planned her to be and we get the awesome privilege of being her parents. Amazing!
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