I recently found out about the Yo Gabba Gabba phenomena. From what I hear, it's the rage among toddlers. I suppose I will be entering that world soon enough...less then two weeks left for baby's due date! I decided to create a Yo Gabba Gabba themed chipboard album. I posted it on Etsy Sunday night and before I had time to tell you all about it, it sold! I didn't think it was going to sell so fast. I had a lot of fun making the album. I'm glad someone will be enjoying it.

Came out cute, huh? I used primary colors and the stickers are from a seller on Ebay. I did do some research before I created the album...found out that "There's a party in my tummy" is a popular Yo Gabba Gabba saying. I have enough supplies to make a another album...watch for it on my Etsy store.
What items did you use to make your yo gabba gabba album. Im having a hard time finding scrapbook supplies or things I can use.
I used colorful scrapbook paper that I had from a big stack that I bought at Joann's. I tried to use paper to match the color of the different characters. The stickers I purchased off of Ebay. They are party favor stickers. I couldn't find actual Yo Gabba Gabba scrapbooking supplies. The rest of embellishments were birthday themed items that I already had. The front Yo Gabba Gabba emblishment was clip art that I found online and printed on photo paper.
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