It's been a great week of rest and scrapbooking! Love it! I also did some cleaning. It's amazing how easily I get tired these days and how messy two dogs can be...Jonas says that's nothing compared to what kids will do to our house. I had to spread out the house cleaning throughout the week. I cooked every single one of our meals this week. And I lost three pounds from last week at my OBGYN check up. I'll be 37 weeks will now be considered full term. Last night, I was having some serious Braxton Hicks contractions! It's amazing to think that any day now, I could go into full labor and be holding this baby girl in my arms. Sweet!
So I've been scrapbooking a lot this week. And enjoying every minute of it. I've caught up on my pregnancy album. Here are pictures of some of the layouts.

These layouts were really fun to make, especially with such cute paper and embellishments. Hopefully, one day Grace will enjoy this album, but I suppose it's more of a keepsake for me. Hope you have a wonderful weekend...I'm indulging Jonas and going with him to the Barrett Jackson car auction in Costa Mesa tomorrow. He loves watching these auctions on TV and they are coming to Orange County. He'll be like a kid in a candy shop, but without any money!!!
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