Don't ask how, but somehow I managed to craft. I decided to make a Ballerina Tutu hairbow holder for a friend who is having a baby girl. I hesitate to work with fabric because I can't sew, but I was able to make this without touching needle or thread.
I had enough materials to make three additional tutu hairbow holders. I posted them on Facebook and just like that two of them sold. I also had orders for two purple ones.
I had enough materials to make two additional purple ones. So now I have one pink and two purple ones for sale on my Etsy store. I love how they came out. I am going to make a few more pink ones to update the one in Grace's room and for friends as gifts. I love how these turned out. I've seen these on Etsy and I didn't like them because I felt that the combination of fabric and colors being used were not very girly. Hot pink and zebra stripes?? Not what I picture in a girl's room. I purposely chose colors and a pattern that I thought was girly and fun. And these hold a lot of hairbows and clips.
Aside from these hairbow holders, I haven't had much time to craft. With two little ones and work, life has been busy and crazy. I come home, try to spend time with the munchkins, make dinner, get them ready for bed, get every thing ready for the next day, try to spend some time relaxing, and then off to bed. Doesn't leave much time to craft. But it's my therapy, so I am glad when I'm able to carve out some time to create. It makes me happy!
Speaking of things that make me happy...
Easter Sunday was great. We had wonderful weather, a great church service, and a yummy lunch at Claim Jumper's. It was fun getting the kids dressed up. We took them the day before to get their pictures taken. Caleb did great, but Grace kept having meltdowns. So we didn't get the greatest picture of the both of them, but we'll have a story to tell with that picture.

Also, on Easter, Jonas and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary! Wow!! It's been a great 6 years and I am looking forward to many, many more.
As a pre-anniversary celebration, Jonas and I drove up to Big Bear for a zip line adventure. It was great! I was a little nervous, but it ended up being an awesome adventure. Jonas loved it! He was a monkey on those zip lines!
I have about two months left before summer vacation! The count down begins...