Happy New Year! Life has been busy with the holidays and the birth of our baby boy! He was the best Christmas present!! I rushed our Christmas cards and his birth announcements. If I had waited this is the birth announcement I would have sent out, but in my impatience, I sent out a announcement through Costco.com. This sweet announcement was made by Tamika of ThePoshBabyShower.etsy.com. She also created our baby shower invitations. Even though I will not be sending this one out to family and friends, at least I can print it out for Caleb's baby book and scrapbook album.

It's already been a month since Caleb joined our little family. It's been an adventure having an infant and a toddler. Grace has been transitioning to having a baby brother and it's been a bit tumultous at times. She finally seems to be adjusting. Yesterday, she started giving Caleb kisses! Out of nowhere, she climbed on the couch and gave him about 7 kisses. I was stunned and happy!

It's all I can do to survive the days. I've been told that it's hard the first few months and then it gets easier. It's easier already with Grace getting used to Caleb. Yesterday, I actually went to the mall with both of them. It went really well. I have about three more weeks before I return to work. At that point, it will be a whole different getting used to! Until then, I will try my best to enjoy my little ones at home.
ps...Crazy me took on a craft project...a name banner. I don't know what I was thinking, but I've committed to it. It's a princess themed banner. I started working on it this weekend. I'll post as soon as I'm done with it. I have to be done by February 1st...oh me, oh my! Lord help me!!