Jonas is at a men's retreat this weekend, so it's me and Grace. I am having so much fun hanging out with her. She is such a great baby...she makes it easy to enjoy her company. It's was a hard week for me being away from her. Thankfully, we found great daycare. The woman who is taking care of her runs a very small daycare out of her home. She is a Christian and her husband is a pastor! What could me more perfect?!?! Her home is very peaceful and the children seem very happy. Grace is doing great in daycare. That makes it easier for me knowing she is being well taken care of. On the bright side, she wants to be held a lot more. Before, after awhile, she was done with being held and wanted to hang out in her bouncy chair. Now, I suppose in wanting to reconnect, she doesn't mind being held all night long.
It's been an eventful week for Grace. This week, she laughed for the first time, she's reaching for things, and she also pulled herself up to a sitting position...she wasn't able to hold that position for very long. She is holding her head up when I support her in a sitting position and I can hold her without having to support her head as much. Ahh, she is growing too fast!! Here are some snapshots of her 2 month portraits.

And finally for some papercrafting. I have done scrapbook layouts, but have not had time to take pictures of them. This was a super fast card I made for a baby shower. It's one of DCWV's embossed cards. I added a diecut and ribbon. Whaalaa!

Grace is asleep, so off to do some laundry!